Using “This or That” Questions as a Fun Review Activity for Kids Learning to Code

Learning to code is an exciting journey for kids, but it can sometimes feel overwhelming, especially when they are introduced to many new concepts at once. While traditional review games are commonly used to help reinforce learning and prepare for tests, This or That questions can also play a role in reinforcing coding knowledge. Typically considered as icebreakers or warm-up activities, “This or That” questions can be designed in a way that encourages kids to recall coding concepts they’ve already learned, making them a valuable review tool as well. In this article, we’ll explore how “This or That” questions can be adapted to help kids review coding topics in a relaxed and engaging way.

What Are “This or That” Questions and How Can They Be Used for Review?

“This or That” questions are usually light-hearted prompts where a person has to choose between two options. They are fun and simple, often used to get kids talking and create an engaging classroom atmosphere. However, by customizing these questions to cover key coding concepts, they can be transformed into an effective review activity. For instance, instead of asking whether a student prefers cats or dogs, the questions might compare two coding concepts, such as loops versus conditionals.

When used in this way, these questions serve two purposes. First, they maintain the casual, low-pressure environment typical of icebreakers, which can help kids feel more comfortable expressing their thoughts. Second, they require kids to reflect on what they have already learned and make connections between different concepts, which can help reinforce their understanding.

Why Using “This or That” as a Coding Review Game

One of the main benefits of using “This or That” questions as a review game is that they are non-intimidating. Traditional review activities, like quizzes or tests, can make some children feel anxious, especially if they are worried about getting the right answer. In contrast, “This or That” questions present a low-stakes way for kids to engage with the material. They only need to choose between two options, and there is often no right or wrong answer—just different ways of thinking about coding.

This approach also encourages critical thinking. By asking kids to make a choice between two coding concepts, you prompt them to think about how each one works and in which situations they would use it. For example, asking, “Would you rather use a loop that repeats forever or a conditional that changes the flow of your code?” encourages students to recall what loops and conditionals are, think about their differences, and decide which might be more appropriate in a given scenario. In this way, these questions help review previously learned material in a way that is interactive and thought-provoking.

Examples of Coding-Related “This or That” Questions

To effectively use “This or That” questions as a review tool, it is important to design questions that help kids revisit key coding concepts. Here are some examples of how these questions can be used to reinforce learning.

A question like “Would you rather create a game in Scratch using colorful blocks or write a text-based game in Python?” encourages kids to think about the different coding environments they have experienced. Scratch uses a block-based interface that is visual and easy to use, while Python is a text-based programming language that allows for more complexity. Asking this question helps kids recall what they learned in each environment and compare the benefits and limitations of each.

Another useful question is, “Would you rather use an ‘if’ statement to make all decisions or a ‘switch’ statement with multiple options?” This kind of question helps students think about different ways to handle decision-making in code. It prompts them to recall how “if” statements work, what a “switch” statement is, and when it might be better to use one over the other. This comparison is an effective way for students to review the differences between two related coding concepts.

Similarly, you could ask, “Would you rather have a variable that can change anytime or a constant that stays the same?” This question helps kids recall the role of variables and constants in programming. Variables are used when the value needs to change during the execution of the program, while constants are fixed. By choosing between them, kids are encouraged to think about when each type is most useful.

Turning “This or That” Questions into a Group Review Activity

Using “This or That” questions in a group setting can make them even more effective as a review tool. One way to do this is by asking the entire class to choose an answer and then discuss their choices in small groups. For instance, after posing a question like, “Would you rather use loops or conditionals?”, each group could discuss why they chose their answer, giving examples of when they would use a loop and when they would use a conditional. This discussion helps students articulate their understanding of these concepts and learn from their peers’ explanations.

You can also use these questions as a way to review specific topics after a coding lesson. After introducing a new concept, such as functions, you might ask, “Would you rather write one big code block without any functions or break it into smaller pieces using functions?” This question encourages students to reflect on the value of using functions in coding, reinforcing what they just learned.

Another fun way to involve everyone is by conducting a class poll for each question. You could ask the question and have kids vote by raising their hands or using an online tool if you are teaching coding virtually. Then, you could discuss the results as a class. Seeing how many people chose each option can be interesting for the kids and provides a starting point for a broader discussion about coding choices.

Why Kids Enjoy “This or That” Questions as a Review Tool

Kids love “This or That” questions because they are simple, interactive, and don’t feel like a traditional test. The format makes it easy for kids to participate without worrying about getting the “right” answer, which is often a concern during more formal review activities. Instead, they can focus on thinking about coding concepts and making connections between what they have learned.

These questions also spark curiosity. For instance, when a child hears a question like, “Would you rather create a loop or use a conditional?” they might start thinking about the benefits of each and how they might use them in a real program. The simplicity of choosing between two options makes it accessible, while the content itself encourages deeper thinking.

Additionally, these questions can be highly relatable. Kids can imagine themselves in the scenarios described, making the abstract ideas behind coding more concrete. By aligning the choices with coding concepts they have recently learned, kids can see how these concepts apply to real situations. This makes learning more engaging and helps them understand how coding works in practice.